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What does joy mean to you? What brings you supreme joy?  Being alive, being able to greet each day as a healthy human being is an awesome joy to behold during this phase of my journey. My family is the greatest joy in my life, especially my sibs, my daughter and my granddaughter. Their existence creates a legacy that will outlive me. An ancestral bond exists. It is a powerful, impenetrable, unbroken familial bond that connects us to all who have lived before us. I actually greet each day with these words of appreciation and joy: “Thank you for another beautiful day. Thank you for the ability to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Thank you for the ability to walk and to speak. Thank you for my family, friends and colleagues.”

Happiness requires enthusiasm, energy, positivity, and a zest for life. However, joy requires profound gratitude from the depths of one’s soul for the seemingly little things that might appear to be unimportant or even insignificant. Those things that we often unintentionally take for granted, for example: the ability to freely communicate and connect in real time with the people we care about, hearing the laughter of children at play, seeing squirrels chase each other up and down trees, listening to birds chirp in the morning, or the sound of a whistle blowing on a train, stimulate our senses to the fact that life is teeming all around us. And the numerous opportunities to witness the sunrise and sunset, snowflakes and icicles on a cold winter day, raindrops falling, the warmth of the sun shining brightly on a January day boasting temperatures of 70+ degrees are a testimony to the beautiful wonders of the power of the universe. Experiencing these gifts – OH, JOY!

The gift of joy is extraordinary and incomparable. Think about it. Act upon it. Go for it.



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